
W.A.S (Scotland) Ltd. 1997-2004

Launching in the clinical waste industry in 1997, Cliniwaste’s senior management team were responsible for the disposal, transport and management of NHS Scotland wastes with Waste Advisory Services (Scotland) Limited. We successfully managed these wastes and won multiple awards. This led us to introduce Waste Training, education and new clinical waste segregation methods to Scotland’s NHS. The training pioneered the management of clinical waste within NHS trusts to maintain compliance for the safe handling of clinical waste throughout the country. After success in doing so, W.A.S founders entered an exciting new chapter in 2004.


Ecowaste Group 2004-2012

Ecowaste was formed to continue to provide NHS waste management solutions from our base in Bristol. Beginning with managing Bath RUH, the business expanded across the country, before being sold to SRCL. After intervention from the Competition Commission, SRCL was requested to pass the business on, eventually becoming part of TRADEBE’s current infrastructure. This provided our management team with a further eight years of extensive experience, forging a name in the clinical waste management industry and building a proven pedigree amongst them.


Cliniwaste Health Ltd. 2015>

Cliniwaste were engaged to deliver a solution for the purchase operation of Healthcare Environmental Services facilities. A combination of industry experience, a clean record with governing agencies and compliance, and strong experience in the sector assisted in this process.

After clearing each site fully, Cliniwaste now proudly operates from sites in Nottingham and Newcastle, with headquarters in Shotts. Cliniwaste is committed to investing in the UK’s clinical waste infrastructure, bringing transparency to the sector, new technologies that have a positive effect on the planet, disposal capacity and an environmental conscience in the marketplace.


Cliniwaste – A Mitie Business 2023>

In October 2023 Cliniwaste were acquired by Mitie, the UK’s leading facilities management and professional services company. Cliniwaste expand Mitie’s capabilities to provide sustainable waste management solutions that embrace the circular economy, while also opening opportunities to bring their innovative waste management treatment to new industries. Having already worked closely together for several years, the partnership will enable the Cliniwaste team to deliver safe and sustainable clinical waste services across the UK’s healthcare sector and beyond.
